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- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Break out endpoints from pjsip_wizard.conf to pjsip_endpoint.conf.
- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Use Hangup() instead of Goto() when entering extension `h`.
- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Work around bug in [MinivmGreet()](
- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Renamed dialplan contexts.
- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Dialplan `[sub_voicemail]` now handles CHANUNAVAIL correctly.
- [privatedial](src/privatedial) Added `endpoint/bind_rtp_to_media_address = yes`
- [docker]( Complete documentation.
- [docker](src/docker) Now use alpine:3.12 (asterisk:16.7.0).
- [websms](src/websms) `WEBSMSD_PORT=80` sets PHP web server port, used by WebSMS.
- [repo](src) Harmonized file names in `entrypoint.d` and `exitpoint.d`.
- [repo](sub) Use git submodule for third party projects.