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- [asterisk](src/asterisk) Sanitize incoming extensions so they are all international
- [asterisk](src/asterisk) Move APP_SMS global to extensions.conf
- [websms](src/websms) Use `$_POST` since `file_get_contents("php://input")` cannot handle multipart/form-data
- [websms](src/websms) Allow IP addr filtering behind proxy by using HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
- [websms](src/websms) websmsd.php parameters are json decoded and searched recursively
- [websms](src/websms) Also support Zadarma POST parameters in
- [websms](src/websms) Started WebSMS (separate) documentation
- [autoban](src/autoban) Fixed new bug in
- [autoban](src/autoban) Added conf sample file autoban.conf.sample