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- [docker](Dockerfile) alpine 3.10.3 released so now build using alpine:3.10
- [docker](Dockerfile) Added Healthcheck
- [docker](Dockerfile) Introduce a `SIGTERM` trap in `` allowing graceful container termination with `exitpoint.d` script execution
- [docker](Dockerfile) Now reorganize repo files according to which service they provide
- [docker](Dockerfile) src/bin/ now also take switches -n and -l.
- [docker](Dockerfile) We now create directory structure when empty volume is mounted at /srv.
- [asterisk](src/asterisk) Based on live testing updated templates in pjsip_wizard.conf
- [asterisk](src/asterisk) Now use extensions-local.conf to keep all local configurations
- [asterisk](src/asterisk) Fixed typo in rtp.conf
- [websms](src/websms) Retired service sms/d which has been succeeded by websms/d
- [websms](src/websms) New verify POST request in
- [websms](src/websms) New check source IP address in
- [autoban](src/autoban) New service Autoban, which listens to security AMI events and dynamically configures nftables to block abusing IPs.
- [autoban](src/autoban) (formerly is now state less
- [autoban](src/autoban) Restricting Autoban's AMI access to a minimum
- [autoban](src/autoban) Autoban now has `relapsebase` punishing repeat offenders progressively more severely
- [autoban](src/autoban) Autoban now use nftables timeouts
- [autoban](src/autoban) Added `entrypoint.d`  and  `exitpoint.d` scripts so that the `nft` state is loaded/saved at container startup/shutdown.